Manage the health of both the Mech and your player Zilla to win!

Controls: ARROW KEYS/WASD to move, Q to attack, E to defend, SHIFT to heal, ENTER to progress through dialogue. Controllers are supported. 

Tips: you CAN HEAL, yourself AND/OR the enemy by standing near it while holding down the heal button. Dodge by jumping, you can also block in a pinch.

Description: Dr. MEGA Nerd launched the AI Z.07 a super powerful AI. After the AI goes on a rampage by inhabiting a Mech it angers our protagonist Zilla. Take back your place is the king of monsters and inadvertently save the world.

Roles Reversed Theme: Typically fighting games involve beating up all the enemies to win. We reversed the players role in this genre by instead making it about survival. You must potentially heal your opponent to win. Also, narrative wise the player gets to play as a monster rather than a human.

Made in 48 hours from scratch for GMTK 2023 with The Demon Head Team.

ganthefan (Programmer): Hello everyone! This time I had the pleasure of programming a fighting game. Most notably there is frame by frame collision tracing for the fighting moves. Also there's an enemy AI (which I wish I had more time to polish). Everything was programmed within the 48 hours from scratch! I'm SUPER tired this time around, so good night and thanks for playing!

The_LoFi_Boi (Artist):

Noxismusic (Music & SFX):

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Thanks for making a video on it :) It's always interesting to see how people play. We are glad you enjoyed!

Hey that was pretty good! Only real complaint is I can't read a word of the dialogue. First time I just mercilessly beat up the robot, second try I figured it out though

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for outlining your experience :). Yes we will make sure the dialouge gets better treatment next time.

(1 edit) (+1)

What a piece of art, a pleasure for eyesXD


Haha, glad you enjoyed. Thanks for playing!